big fan of Aphex twins and i gotta say this song is fucking badass
big fan of Aphex twins and i gotta say this song is fucking badass
Thanks! I'm excited to see where it could go from it's early stages up into a full song.
this song is amazing
I love the riffage so much. It compliments the vocals sooo fucking perfectly. oh HOLY fuck the singer is fucking aaaammmaazing! Ultimate power metal voice. Lyrics flowed nicely through out the song, which makes it a easy listen.
i'm just gonna be straight up
you can't electronically make metal.
Yep, i know, i was just testing stuff up.
badass song
get the Line 6 POD studio interface. its cheap and fucking awesome. Also you can just buy a cheap lil interface and get a badass mic and then you can mic your line 6 amp.
The song is badass. Sounds like a badass lil intro to a ass pounding riffage.
fucking sweet
I love the riffage in this shit. man...i felt like the song wasn't long enough. Album eh!? man...i might actually get that shit if all your songs are this awesome
badass song
guitar tone is really nice. very tight and crisp. its pretty obvious that you used guitarpro to do the drums. I bet that took HELLLA long to do.
yeah they were a huge pain in the ass lol!!!!!!!!!!
OO shit
fucking guitar pro is soooOOO fun to play with. Thats all i used to mess around with in my BCIS and Digital graphic class when ever i was done with my work. But anyWAYs...shit is badass.
YOU must re-record this fully decked out with real instruments
oh i plan on it sir. i plan on it.
i know where you keep your dirty thoughts.
fuck man
this beat is fucking badass. I'm fucking diggin' it.
Glad you fucking like it.
One time I had a dream about eating a bag of chips
Trust Analyst
Stafford TX
Joined on 3/25/10