dude.....fucking good ass shit. fuck
dude.....fucking good ass shit. fuck
Thank you very much !
song is constructed nicely. the instruments sound are awful. but i bet this would be cool if redone with real instruments. One more thing......needs more dynamic. theres a part where it doesn't change for a whole minute. \m/ cheers
badass shit breh. leads were sick. just tighten it up a lil bit more. Gotta love pokemon music haha, super epic.
Thanks dude!
dude brah i love this. You got a great voice man.
thank you, sir. Been a minute! Love that you are still kicking around. Thanks for the listen and review, brother!
broduder, that was super cool. love your shit as always
i so happen to be searching for vaginateeth when i came across this track. Good shit, reminds me of pantera meets alice and chains.
Vaginateeth. haha. I found them. It was rad. Cheers brother.
One time I had a dream about eating a bag of chips
Trust Analyst
Stafford TX
Joined on 3/25/10