your screams, sounds sooo 90's. I likes it my friend. I like those haunting harmonizes you do like alices in chains does. Good stuff
your screams, sounds sooo 90's. I likes it my friend. I like those haunting harmonizes you do like alices in chains does. Good stuff
Totally 90's. That was my era, though. Now, about to turn 40...time for country music I guess. haha.|Cheers mang.
badass ass shit. at first i was like.....ummmm then dat drum roll. Sounds like some sludge/ black metal or something.
Thank you! Yeah we're going for some darker stuff like Blackened Death Metal with some cool themes. I'll post the songs when they're done ^-^
drums could use alot of work. Structure and dynamic will help make a song sound interesting.
Thank you for the response!
I wrote the song at about 3 in the morning while I couldn't sleep, I was too tired to fuss around with midi for the drums. I was thinking of revisiting the track and writing it properly if I received positive feedback for this rough demo.
Thanks again for the feedback!
merry METAL FUCKING CHRISTMAS to u too haha
dude you guys sound pretty good. Sounds like early 2000s music
3 seconds in and im like YESSSSSS
dooood, wtf don't cover up your solo with reverb. thats a noob thing to doo. your much better than that. Makes it hard to hear the flashy finger work. Everything sounded good, i likes it.
man that was fucking awesome. vocals were badass......specially the med-range screams.
Thanks!!!! :) They're a little different from my normal stuff, but I'm glad you liked em!
that was cool. love the leads.
Thanks! They're some of the best I've ever written, I think! I really put a lot of work into the solo:)
thats a pretty cool idea. pop punk with eight strings. Kinda has that 90's punk feel like brand new or jimmy eats world. My only problem is that the breakdown could of used some more zazz. U got an 8 string.....let hear some weird shit lol.
One time I had a dream about eating a bag of chips
Trust Analyst
Stafford TX
Joined on 3/25/10