yo dood
this is a badass track man. The drums are cool and the electro riffage is tight. Love the transitions too. OOO shit and you slowed it down too. fuuck that was cool. Hell yes i like this song.
yo dood
this is a badass track man. The drums are cool and the electro riffage is tight. Love the transitions too. OOO shit and you slowed it down too. fuuck that was cool. Hell yes i like this song.
Thanks man =)
badass track
i'm loving it. Break downs were nice, the drums sounded B.A. Nice little synths added into the track. The only thing i wish for is a lil more change up on the track. Felt like you kept the same beat through out the whole song. Which isn't too bad, since you change up alot of the riffage and what not.
Thanks man! I'm glad you liked this track!
I suppose I could work on my drums a bit more, thanks for the review man!
all honestly
this song would sound 50times better if you used techno synths and what not. Its put together nicely......but, these guitar tones sound horrible. just sayin......
Thanks for the input.
i support cowdog2 on this.
Thats really cool. I'm glad you like it.
i learned this song ages ago on the guitar.. I still love to play it. That violen part sounded pretty sick on a acoustic guitar. if you want, i can add a layer on to this.
i remember duping shit while listening to this song, lol.
Sure no problem, I love collaborating
we have a country that is actually represented very well by the style of music....that guitar thing is played horribly though at the beginning. im sorry bro. when the whole song kicked in...sounded better. way better.
Ah, I see your western ears are not attuned to the sounds of the east. I anticipated as much from the people here on NG but I never let it bother me.
Yeah, I guess the rest of the song is a nice view on Thai pop music from a westerners eyes. I know quite a bit about many countries and musics but Thailand was not a strong point for me. I knew Thai string instruments and had a generally muddled idea of what Thailand was before I started this but other than that I didn't know very much at all. I learned a lot about Thailand through this competition and whether I win or lose, I had a lot of fun with it and hope to do it again next year.
not very good my friend. where are the drums? OH is it that clapping? ooo ouch. thats nooo bueno. Happy sounding hardmusic just sounds weird to began with. BOING BOING BOING, very nice bass kick. lol.
It's hardstyle! most of your bad points are supposed to be like that!
ha nice
Loved the whole idea of this song. I would do the same...but i lost all my old recordings three computers ago.
One time I had a dream about eating a bag of chips
Trust Analyst
Stafford TX
Joined on 3/25/10