badass track dood
Hey dood, this is a badass lil trancy pantys song. I'm suprised your song was only 2 mins, haha, Thats the one thing i was really worried about was you making a super long epic song.
badass track dood
Hey dood, this is a badass lil trancy pantys song. I'm suprised your song was only 2 mins, haha, Thats the one thing i was really worried about was you making a super long epic song.
Haha but you're still gonna win, guaranteed. You've got the guitar man; that's how I was able to defeat Bosa last time. Have fun in the competition! ;)
P.S. If you want any tips on compression, etc. (because it's as applicable to heavy metal as it is to trance, and if you take my advice you'll be sounding just like ABR in no time), I'll be your guest.
Benwahakubi has no sense of metal at all.
badass shit doods
amazing job on this song. dood, i wish i had a real keyboard to play on, shit sounds good. My only concern was that the synths over powered everything. I wanted to hear more metal than anything else. but that is my personal opinion as a metal fan. It would make this song sound more ballzeier
awesome song
dood, this shit sounds awesome. I just love that 3 note progression in the intro, and THEN BAM the acoustic guitar? WAS not expecting that. Shit is total cash.
Thanks for review. This is quite an old track and listening now I see some things that I would like to change... maybe I'll make another version of it ;)
Yo keeko, put some fucking drum fills in your shit. It would make it sound smooother.
yo faggot, no lol it sounds raw and fine and i dont like my shit havin cheesy cymbols in the wrong place like most of your songs
first....the synthesizer voices were just rude. Find softer harmony's of mixture of textures. Repeating a drum and bass line is nice.....but milking a lead out for many many beats kinda makes the ears bleed a little.
THat 1st beat is from megaman. ....know i want to hear to orginal piece now....
yea its concrete man theme...i tried to use the rythm of some of the riffs in the song and switch them with different instruments...and i mixed a Lil of the song a bit too
:23-:26 fucking badass shit.
1:10-1:20- EVEN better
this sounds like total stoner metal FO sho
this shit is awesome
shit goes hard
this is awesome
me and my friend were just talking about how amazing this game is. We were looking on line to find if there were any metal covers of the song. awesome that you did one, cause it hard to find one.
Yeah its hard to find good song that didn't been already done before.. but this is rare and epic ! Thanks !
One time I had a dream about eating a bag of chips
Trust Analyst
Stafford TX
Joined on 3/25/10