damn dude, this shit is fucking nice. Good to see someone in the NG metal scene getting some recognition
damn dude, this shit is fucking nice. Good to see someone in the NG metal scene getting some recognition
shit was pretty cool. Ever jammed Abigail Williams?? they coo
Hey, thanks! Never heard of Abigail Williams before though.
shit was really fucking fantastic. all the guitars programmed? mixed really nicely.
Hi, I'm glad you like it! :D
And yes, indeed, all the guitars were programmed.
Hes still alive! Shit was fucking sick. That ending brings a tear to my eye
yea couldnt tell yea what the cutoff was gonna be, i found this in my old cloud dropbox of WIPS
MAn i want that bass!....so jelly
fucking sweeeet as hell. ....the 2:00 mark good. Reminds me of all the crazy instrumentals you'll find on youtube haha.
you fucking suck hahaha. NO hype. the last part of the beat is okay. i might use this.
hahaha.....goddamnit I fucked sucked but then. omg I'm cringing soo hard hahaha. This is my new account for Cowdog2.
One time I had a dream about eating a bag of chips
Trust Analyst
Stafford TX
Joined on 3/25/10