fucking badass......really dude. Writing, mixing, the low end. Its all good
fucking badass......really dude. Writing, mixing, the low end. Its all good
these fucking drums hahaha. fuck
nice 80's feel. Kinda reminds me of Monty Crew. Sounds really polished. Damn i wish i know how to mix lol. Man that lead guitarist is sick.
haha....man.....2:50 is like.....reallly awful. This song has serious potential. Vocals are terrible. Singer is off time and out of key. Screams sounded Frankenstein's monster hahahahahaha. Then you got this killer key board lead at 4:40 with the worst guitar rythem....could of done something more complimenting there. lol i can't believe i listened to this whole thing. This song just goes into the deep end and sounds like pure crap.
haha.....just realized thats the drum track to that Inflames song. Drums are sweet. wish i had 250 bucks to get this program. Im thinking about subscribing to slate's monthly membership thing. Its like the netflixs for producers.
If I was going to do a subscription to get VSTs, I would go through Splice's program. Basically you pay a couple bucks a month until you pay it off and own it in full, instead of renting it forever. I'm not sure if EZDRUMMER is on there, though. There's lots of other useful programs though!
pretty good myfriend. Fucking shit
One time I had a dream about eating a bag of chips
Trust Analyst
Stafford TX
Joined on 3/25/10