major clipping issues. This whole song gives me existential dread. Its interesting.
major clipping issues. This whole song gives me existential dread. Its interesting.
Not sure what I was doing with this. BTW the clipping is because I was not good at mastering at the time so when I did... Yeah.
Thanks for the review!
This song is perfect for one of those oddly satisfying compilations you find on YouTube.
Thank you!
badass shit.
Thanks so much!
DOOOOD. holy shit. I gotta rewatch that episode now.
I tried !! Its working :D
BRO that was sexy
You're sexy ;-)
god damn youre fucking good. fantastic sing.
Ahh dude, means allot, thanks!
right from the very first pick stroke down the fret, i know this is gonna fucking badass
Thank you! Happy you enjoyed it :D
holy shit this is awesome. Makes me happy to see you still produce. You get better and better. This is probably the best one yet. You capture every dynamic just right making it a nonstop head banger.
Glad you dig, brother. I've not put up anything that was more than record and volume, at this point, this year. Just idea phases. Glad you dig!!\m/
One time I had a dream about eating a bag of chips
Trust Analyst
Stafford TX
Joined on 3/25/10