Hes still alive! Shit was fucking sick. That ending brings a tear to my eye
Hes still alive! Shit was fucking sick. That ending brings a tear to my eye
yea couldnt tell yea what the cutoff was gonna be, i found this in my old cloud dropbox of WIPS
damn that was nice actually.
i hope so
haha that shit was pretty good
Meh. xD
dooooood....that shit was fucking good. LIke this retro 80's style.
Haha, thank you very much for your review !! Yeah, I was thinking about Carpenter Brut (Hotline Miami 2 soundtrack) works when making this song, so maybe that's where that 80's vibe come from !
that guitar part in the one minute mark was dope. was that vst or real audio? this song is badass
It was vst. I am glad you liked the song! :D
badass piano player.....lousy producer loool. shit still jams
true dat the production is shit but i didn't work too hard on it. Appreciate the love for the jams though
dude.....fucking good ass shit. fuck
Thank you very much !
badass shit breh. leads were sick. just tighten it up a lil bit more. Gotta love pokemon music haha, super epic.
Thanks dude!
One time I had a dream about eating a bag of chips
Trust Analyst
Stafford TX
Joined on 3/25/10