This is an awesome song. keep it up
This is an awesome song. keep it up
very badass
right at 1:33 is awesome. You should master flamenco soloing, that would make you the most godly classical guitarist.
i'm going to try it out
big fan of Aphex twins and i gotta say this song is fucking badass
Thanks! I'm excited to see where it could go from it's early stages up into a full song.
i'm just gonna be straight up
you can't electronically make metal.
Yep, i know, i was just testing stuff up.
badass song
guitar tone is really nice. very tight and crisp. its pretty obvious that you used guitarpro to do the drums. I bet that took HELLLA long to do.
yeah they were a huge pain in the ass lol!!!!!!!!!!
OO shit
fucking guitar pro is soooOOO fun to play with. Thats all i used to mess around with in my BCIS and Digital graphic class when ever i was done with my work. But anyWAYs...shit is badass.
YOU must re-record this fully decked out with real instruments
oh i plan on it sir. i plan on it.
i know where you keep your dirty thoughts.
fuck man
this beat is fucking badass. I'm fucking diggin' it.
Glad you fucking like it.
guess what
i am you're 1000 voter. and YOU're welcome
One time I had a dream about eating a bag of chips
Trust Analyst
Stafford TX
Joined on 3/25/10