THat 1st beat is from megaman. ....know i want to hear to orginal piece now....
THat 1st beat is from megaman. ....know i want to hear to orginal piece now....
yea its concrete man theme...i tried to use the rythm of some of the riffs in the song and switch them with different instruments...and i mixed a Lil of the song a bit too
this is awesome
me and my friend were just talking about how amazing this game is. We were looking on line to find if there were any metal covers of the song. awesome that you did one, cause it hard to find one.
Yeah its hard to find good song that didn't been already done before.. but this is rare and epic ! Thanks !
ha, i use the pod farm too. THe drums are sooo weak, they need more OOmph! You got this basic rock beat going on. add some zazzz or something of whatever.
That's cool and all, but I can't make heads or tails of what you told me.
badass track
song is cool....just need to work on the leads. The quality is awesome. keep it up brosepher.
thanks, i am working on the leads....everyday.....for an hour......
well not to this song but with backing tracks and scale books
ha dood
This SHIT is fucking awesome. Hey don't diss yamaha guitars, they are actually badass.
naw man :P I have expensive guitars with crazy pickups and such, but the Yamaha was my first guitar, and is totally stock (i believe it cost like $100 or something) but apparently I can get good tone out of it! I love the thing either way! :D
badass shit
Awesome intro, Sounded like some Japanese power metal shit. Dood, fill this song out, put drums and other guitar tracks to it. I would like to hear it as a full song.
Maybe some time in the future.
oh shit son
this be badass man. It sounds disgustingly heavy. It amazes me how you made this song sound tight when you had to recorded everything from scratch.
Hey, thanks! It was pretty hard to get it sound the way it did. I still want to try to make the drums tighter, but part of that is the lack of a soundproof room. Oh well.
Badass Track dood
I loved the track brah, Very progressive. The only thing is that i wish you had a higher tone in your guitar, make the song sound a bit brighter. Sounds muddy. BUt the chord pregression is awesome, and loved the layering of the guitar tracks. Most importantly, good job on staying on tempo. Makes the song tight.
Tempo - thanks, it's hard and really always helps to use a metronome. Muddy - It's my good ol' Ibanez electric guitar. The humbucker is quite bassy and I like it that way but I agree a bit of EQ could help a lot. Glad you like it.
One time I had a dream about eating a bag of chips
Trust Analyst
Stafford TX
Joined on 3/25/10