nice song
at the 1:17 part \m/ hell yes
nice song
at the 1:17 part \m/ hell yes
badass shit
dood....i love this. i love how structure everything is and the progressions were nice. everthing flows sweetly. I just wish the guitars were just heavier. With the soft synths involved in the background would be killlleer.
Hehe thank you.
About making the sound heavier, I might need to artificial-ize it because my soundcard is flipping out these days and it doesn't seem to be picking up as much bass as I would like :S
omg i remember this song and this exact level. I bee bustin dem drifts uhhh oh. hahaha yeah right. badass cover
i can't believe you actually coverd this song. I love it. I never realized how badass this song was untill now, lol. I do remember this track way back theeen.
I pull out a random one from time to time :D
badass shit
niceely done, love how it just progressively gets heavier and heavier.
keep it metal bro.
Thanks very much, dude. Just added an edited version with zombies init. haha.
Did you upload one? I'll answer my own question by checking your page. haha.
okay dood
leads= too loud and too much.
drums= the kit had a overdriven sound too it.....its sounds like its peaking out. also the drums were to quiet
yeah, made this before i knew anything about equalizing. now i'm better at it so it shouldn't be a problem in the future. gl in the NAC btw.
pretty neat song
yo bro this song is tight....too bad it was made 3 years ago.
ASS. Just read the rule.
Thanks for the 8 :) Guess I'll have to whip up something else, since I haven't done so in a long time.
wtf man
im just fucking creeped out. im listening to your tune and Im like eeeeEEEeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrie. good shit thou.
Ha, that's the idea.
One time I had a dream about eating a bag of chips
Trust Analyst
Stafford TX
Joined on 3/25/10